Friday, June 14, 2019

Seagrass, Snorkels, and Symposium-UWF and Closing Thoughts ---Julianna O'Bar

Five weeks later, and here we are. This week was filled with sampling and data analysis. We were able to sample from multiple sites along Carpenter Creek to compare the differences moving from lower to higher salinities. We were also able to sample from in different estuarine areas with different wave energy, turbidities, and proximity to urban development. We even got to snorkel in Shoreline Park to determine seagrass cover using quadrats and had time just to splash around for a little bit. On Wednesday we began analyzing the samples taken at all of the UWF sites as well as one site from each school we visited throughout the course. Using the data from our survey, each of the four water quality groups created a presentation based on their topic assigned to them at the beginning of the course. My group compared the abundance of microplastics to the population of each county. Unfortunately, we didn't find any significant correlation, but it was still interesting to note the different microplastics in the different sampling areas.

Snorkeling in Shoreline Park 
Microplastics analysis using a dissecting scope

And that's a wrap! Registering for this course was one of the best decisions of my life. It reminded me of why I decided on this major and gave me a better idea of what I want to do after I graduate. I gained experience and skills that I will be able to put on my resume and utilize in my future career. I gained new connections with professors from across the state that may help me get into graduate school or begin my career in marine science. I also gained new friendships and memories that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. These five weeks have been some of the best of my life, and I am so grateful that I was putting these flyers up for Dr. Caffrey last semester. Otherwise, I may have never even known this class existed.
Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.

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